How to Convert eBooks to Kindle Mobipocket Format

Amazon Kindle devices do not support ePub or other formats used by various other e-Book Readers and you can't read them on your Kindle Reader.

Amazon Kindle Books

Instead, they only allow you to read certain types of e-Book Format on your device. I can see that many people wish to read their e-Books that have different format from Kindle e-Books which are :
  • Mobipocket eBook File (.prc/.mobi)
  • Kindle Mobipocket (.azw)
  • Kindle Topaz (.tpz/.azw1)
  • Kindle Print Replica (.azw4)

Actually, the Mobipocket e-Book File is a format for files that are not DRM-Restricted that you usually get for free. Apparently, what you are going to do is converting your desired e-Books to that (.mobi) format using an open source e-Book Converter which is Calibre.

You can use that method to convert any type of e-Books to Mobipocket Format so you can read it nicely on your Kindle Reader.

How to Get Started?

First of all, you have to know that you can't convert an e-Book that have DRM restrictions. So, you can follow the below instructions in (Step 1) to remove DRM from your desired e-Book. In case that your e-Book doesn't have restrictions you can directly proceed to (Step 2).

Step 1 (DRM Removal)

I have written some unique articles explaining how to remove DRM from any type of e-Book easily and you may choose the suitable DRM-Removal Method for your e-Book there.

Step 2 (Download Calibre)

Calibre is an open source software for reading and converting various e-Book Formats as well as syncing to many different kinds of eBook readers. Just download and install the latest Calibre for any Operating System from the Official Site.

Step 3 (Install & Run Calibre)

While you are in the Welcome Wizard, make sure to choose a location for your e-Book Library, as well as the model of your Amazon Kindle.

How to Add & Convert e-Books in Calibre?

Now you have Calibre installed on your machine, what you are going to need now is importing the e-Books you wish to transfer to your Kindle Device. To do so, you have to click on Add Books button on the top left.

Add an e-Book to Calibre Library

Well, you have to connect your Kindle Device to your computer using the USB cable. Shortly, Calibre will recognize it a and new icon (Send to Device) will appear at the top. Actually, you can either highlight your e-Books and click on that button or you may simply drag them to the Kindle Device icon.

Calibre will automatically convert and upload the e-Book to your Kindle. You can see the progress icon in the bottom-right corner. You may also click it to monitor the progress of the transfer.
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